While boasting over 30,000 users, 3Commas struggles to strike a balance between performance and simplicity. Its user interface is clean, easy to use, and simple, but the number of options is overwhelming. Users may quickly get lost in the large number of options available to them. This might be a sign of a better platform to come. This cryptocurrency trading platform is recommended for users who are not comfortable with the advanced technical aspects of cryptocurrency trading.
The platform offers an extensive list of coins and exchanges, as well as an automatic rebalancing feature. By allocating certain percentages to coins, 3Commas purchases them to keep the balance in your portfolio. If the percentages you allocated to coins start to deviate from their balance, 3Commas will automatically sell them for you. If you have a small portfolio and have few exchanges, this is the perfect solution.
You can choose from 2 types of bots that 3commas offers. You can choose a regular DCA bot if you are new to trading bots. You can also use a more advanced bot, such as 3Commas’s QFL bot. This bot is designed to trade on dead cat bounces, which are likely to occur during macro downtrends. If you’re new to bot trading, 3Commas is definitely the right choice.
The 3Commas algorithm enables you to use the platform’s stop-loss and take-profit conditions in real time. The bot can place buy or sell orders only when these conditions are met. 3Commas will never create fake buy/sell walls. It constantly monitors the conditions of a trade when the stop-loss is activated. Its Social Trading feature can even copy successful traders to earn a profit.
This automated crypto-trading bot works with over 33,000 traders. With over $10m in daily volume, 3Commas offers an excellent range of tools for traders. Its trading bot is compatible with 12 exchanges and can help develop take-profit trading strategies. The 3Commas platform is easy to use, and its detailed analytics allow users to customize trading strategies. There are several exchanges that support the 3Commas robot, and it’s always worth checking out your options before deciding whether or not to use it.
In the cryptocurrency trading market, 3Commas offers a number of tools that improve trading efficiency. With their strategic partnerships, 3Commas is a leader in the space. Their trading bots can operate on the largest exchanges in the world via the API protocol. These tools can be accessed from any internet-enabled device worldwide. Additionally, 3Commas supports 23 digital exchanges, and their platform supports over 230,000 registered users.
Traders can choose from several trading bots, and 3Commas lets users customize each of them to suit their needs. The trading bot can detect your target profit and stop selling thresholds. If the price does reverse, you can place a safety order to protect your profits. The 3Commas trading bot works with thirteen exchanges, including Binance, BitFinex, and Bittrex. Users can set the target profit percentage in percent or in total volume, depending on their preferences.